How to set up Xero integration for use with CIS

Setting up Xero integration for use with CIS

In your integrations settings you can elect a Procore Cost Type in your Procore to Xero Syncing  settings for both Labour  and Materials under the CIS Cost Types section.

When a bill syncs from Procore to Xero and either of the elected Cost Types are used the integration will override any Procore Cost Code to Account Code mapping and use the relevant Labour or Materials CIS account.


Note: The Labour and Materials CIS accounts should remain unmapped. This allows for the transfer of bills to Xero for suppliers who are unregistered for CIS by using a sperate cost type then the ones selected in the integration.

If the Labour and Materials CIS accounts are mapped to a Procore Cost Code when the cost code is used in a Commitment Progress Claim or Direct cost and synced to the accounts package the expense will land in the mapped CIS account and the accounts package will look for a rate on the supplier and error if the supplier is not set up for CIS in the accounts package. It is not recommended to map Labour and Materials CIS accounts to a Procore Cost Codes.